Why participate in #PBMadness?
The purpose of #PBMadness is to get our creative juices flowing, to explore new #kidlit prompts, to connect with other #kidlit creatives, and to possibly win prizes. In other words, to have fun with no stakes!
Do I have to participate in all the rounds?
Nope! You can pick and choose which rounds you want to join. Simply fill out the form for the round(s) you complete, and you’ll be eligible for prizes for that round.
Can I use the same prompt for two rounds?
Absolutely, but in the spirit of the game, we ask that you create two different PBs or Illustrations inspired by the same prompt, if that’s what you plan to do.
Are there prizes?
You bet! Prizes will be announced closer to the day, but there will be prizes for every round and Grand Prizes. But best of all, you’ll have up to four new manuscripts or illustrations!
Do I have to turn in a MS or illustration to verify I participated in a round?
Nope, this is on the honor system. Please fill out the form, check which prompt you chose, and that’s it. What you do with your creation is entirely up to you, but we hope you’ll revise, polish, and make it sing.
How do I qualify for a prize?
Participate in a round, fill out the form when you’re done, and you are automatically eligible for prizes that round. Participate in all four, and you’re automatically eligible for the Grand Prize!
What if I didn’t select the winning prompt?
That’s okay. Your prompt spoke to you and generated creativity. That’s all that matters. You’re a winner in our books and you’re still eligible for that round’s prizes.
How do I qualify for the Grand Prize?
Participate in all four rounds, fill out the forms, and you are automatically eligible for the Grand Prize.